Transport challenges
The recently released Climate Change Commission (CCC) Draft Advice proposes preliminary emissions budgets and direction of policy to achieve the targets agreed to under the Zero Carbon Act. The advice understandably has a strong focus on transport. This reflects the key role the transport sector has in heading towards the direction of carbon neutrality; wider than this – it …
Information om ny vejafgift for lastbiler | Motorstyrelsen
Information om ny vejafgift for lastbiler; 05-09-2024. Information om ny vejafgift for lastbiler. Fra 2025 skal der betales vejafgift af lastbiler efter, hvor langt de kører i Danmark. Afgiften vil afhænge af lastbilernes CO2-udledning. ... Afgiften gælder lastbiler på 12 ton eller derover, som benyttes til godstransport, og den erstatter ...
Politiken og New York Times
Hvorfor The New York Times? Siden 1851 har The New York Times dækket nyheder fra hele kloden, som ingen andre fortalte. Måden hvorpå disse nyhedshistorier fortælles har ændret sig, men The New York Times'' mission om at søge sandheden og hjælpe folk med at forstå verden er forblevet konstant.
Transport challenges
The recently released Climate Change Commission (CCC) Draft Advice proposes preliminary emissions budgets and direction of policy to achieve the targets agreed to under the Zero Carbon Act. The advice understandably has a strong …
A federative approach to multi-modal transport integration
End-to-end transport most often engages multiple transport modes involving visits to various transport nodes, requiring a high degree of collaboration between the involved actors both within and often across national borders. There is a need to better synchronise transport practices. Hopes are bei
Lessons Learned from Jakarta''s Journey to Integrated and …
Transjakarta was first introduced as a BRT system in 2004 to serve commuters in the Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Area (Jabodetabek) and it has gradually expanded. From 2015 to 2020, the total number of routes have increased by
Integrated design of transport infrastructure and public spaces ...
Given the forecast that by 2050, two-thirds of the world''s population will be living in urban areas (United Nations, 2014), issues of sustainable and resilient urban development have gained increasing attention in order to yield the "co-benefits" of public health and well-being.A city''s transportation infrastructure plays a key role in ensuring such benefits as once it is built, it …
Ny versjon av Sett og skutt-appen
Når jaktdagen med skutte dyr er registrert, vil det skutte dyret ligge i oversikten. Her registreres fellingsinformasjon, som for eksempel slaktevekt og CWD-prøve. Installere ny Sett og skutt og forberede jakta. Sett og skutt lastes ned fra nettsiden og ikke via Apple Store eller Google Play. Merk!
Ny model bidrager til fremtidens grønne transportsektor
Vejdirektoratet står bag en ny model, der kan hjælpe med at reducere klima- og miljøpåvirkningen i infrastrukturprojekter. Modellen kaldes InfraLCA, og ved hjælp af den kan man analysere klima …
Assessing land-use and transport integration via a spatial …
Achieving sustainable urban development is identified as one ultimate goal of many contemporary planning endeavours and has become central to formulation of urban planning policies. Within this concept, land-use and transport integration is highlighted as one of the most important and attainable policy objectives. In many cities, integration is embraced as …
A Smart Approach for Integrated Land-Use and Transport
Another development of the original NP model includes indicators that assess the design of the environment [32,33,34].This extension of the model makes it possible to assess not only aspects of land use (''place'') and transport (''node'') but also the ways in which the design of the built environment stimulates pedestrian and cycling conditions to support access to and …
(PDF) Logistics and supply chain management: The …
In recent years, cell therapy has come to play an important therapeutic role in oral diseases. This paper reviews the active role of mesenchymal stem cells, immune cell sources, and other cells in ...
Public transport integration | 7 | The Routledge Handbook of …
Transport integration involves co-locating different modes of public and private transport (including road, rail, air, maritime, and active transport infrastructure and vehicles) at dedicated and distributed interchanges to create accessible, affordable, reliable, sustainable, convenient, comfortable, safe, and seamless journeys for passengers.
How much do we know about the development impacts of large …
The Infra4Dev Conference, jointly organized by the World Bank and the International Growth Centre on March 3rd-4th 2022, brought together the academic and policy-making community to exchange knowledge and insights regarding the different roles that infrastructure can play in catalyzing development.Professor Stephen Redding, of Princeton …
El og brint skal gøre den tunge vejtransport grøn | GridTech (PRO)
Det er ikke en simpel opgave at omstille lastbil- og varebiltransporten til ny teknologi, fordi det kræver ny VE-elproduktion, infrastruktur og køretøjer – både i Danmark og i …
Public Transport Integration: The Case Study of Thessaloniki, Greece
The present paper deals with intermodal integration as a measure to embrace new transit modes into current public transport systems. The contents are divided into a theoretical re-view and the ...
Micromobility and public transport integration: The current state of ...
Micromobility is an exponentially growing new trend in urban mobility. Common, human-powered micro-vehicles such as bicycles, as well as new micro-vehicles such as e-scooters, e-bikes and various other electrically powered micro-vehicles can now be found in countless cities around the world.