The Council adopted a regulation on establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe ''s net-zero technology manufacturing ecosystem, better known as the ''net-zero industry act''.. These new rules will facilitate the conditions for investments in green technologies by: . simplifying permit granting procedures supporting strategic projects, based …
The EU Industry Days is Europes flagship annual event on industry. It serves as the main platform to discuss industrial challenges and co-develop opportunities and policy responses in an inclusive dialogue with a wide range of partners. It also helps to ensure that our policies at European, national, regional and local levels work together to ...
Alliance for a Competitive European Industry
The Alliance for a Competitive European Industry (ACEI) was created in 2004 to harness the collective intelligence of 11 of Europe''s leading industry sector associations and BusinessEurope. The ACEI provides a proactive vision to EU policymakers on how to promote the competitiveness of the European industry on a global scale and transform it towards a sustainable and
EU Industry Days 2025
The EU Industry Days are Europe''s flagship annual event focusing on key industrial policy discussions, connecting industrial frontrunners, and boosting the knowledge base of European industry. The 2025 edition of the EU Industry …
EU Industry Days 2025
The EU Industry Days 2025 will also host the Award Ceremony of the European Startup Prize for Mobility, during which our Executive Director, Giorgio Travaini, will award the Special Prize for Rail Mobility. Click below to learn more. Time. June 5, 2025 - June 6, 2025 (All Day) (GMT+01:00)
Battery Energy Storage to enable the transition to a ...
With this paper, EUROBAT aims to contribute to the EU policy debate on climate and energy and explain the potential of Battery Energy Storage to enable the transition to a sustainable and …
Competitive landscape of the EU''s insulation materials industry …
in the EU could be considered as sustainable. Following the adoption of the EU legislation on energy-efficient buildings and in order to meet the increasing insulation requirements needed in buildings, the European industry should strengthen its innovation capability and look further to the development of advanced insulation materials (e.g. super
EU India | UK India | Europe India Centre for Business and Industry ...
Europe India Centre for Business and Industry (EICBI OU), a European Parliament accredited organisation, operates as an autonomous, multilateral body that fosters trade and relationships within the UK India corridor and EU India corridor. Its primary objective is to raise awareness among EU/UK companies about the lucrative business ...
Final energy consumption in industry
The highest industrial energy consumers in the EU. Figure 3 shows the final energy consumption in 2022 per industrial sector at EU level. The three sectors with the highest final energy consumption were the same as in 2021: the …
Industripolitik / Folketingets EU-Oplysning
EU''s industripolitik bidrager særligt til at styrke den europæiske industris konkurrenceevne og derigennem sikre en mere bæredygtig vækst og højere beskæftigelse i EU-medlemslandene. Industripolitikken er tæt forbundet med andre EU-områder, som det indre marked, forskning og innovation, folkesundhed og miljøbeskyttelse.
EU Battery Industry
The EU represents around 17% of the global market with a turnover of €81 billion across all battery technologies and applications. This will increase to 26% by 2030 with an EU and global turnover of €35 billion and €135 billion respectively.
Special report 15/2023: The EU s industrial policy on batteries
Despite policy initiatives that date back to 2008, the EU''s battery value chain remains strongly dependent on supplies from outside the EU. From 2030 onwards, EU manufacturers face a …
An Industrial Blueprint for Batteries in Europe
H o w Eu ro pe c a n s u c c e s s f u l l y bu i l d a s u s t a i n a bl e ba t t e r y va l u e c h a i n. Trans p o r t & E nv i ro nm e nt P ubl i s h e d : May 2 0 2 4 Aut h or s : Al i n a R a c u a n d J …
Economic and Market Report: state of the EU auto industry – Full …
The United States maintained its leading position as the main country of origin of EU car imports, and top destination of EU car exports. Commercial vehicle registrations. 1.8 million commercial vehicles were registered in the EU in 2021, a year-on-year gain of 9.6%. Last year, EU van sales increased by 8.5% to reach nearly 1.6 million units.
Energy efficiency potentials in the EU industry: …
Increasing the energy efficiency in high energy demand sectors such as industry with a high reliance on coal, oil and natural gas is considered a pivotal step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and meeting the …
Die Industriepolitik der EU
Die EU will ihre Industrien weltweit wettbewerbsfähiger machen und ihre Autonomie und Widerstandsfähigkeit stärken. Die EU setzt darauf, dass die Industrie beim Übergang zu Klimaneutralität und bei der Digitalisierung eine Führungsrolle einnehmen wird. Ziel ist es, dass die Industrie der EU zu einem Beschleuniger und Wegbereiter für Wandel, Innovation und …
Communication COM/2020/102: A New Industrial Strategy for Europe
To uphold Europe''s industrial leadership, a new industrial strategy will help deliver on three key priorities: maintaining European industry''s global competitiveness and a level playing field, at home and globally, making Europe climate-neutral by 2050 and shaping Europe''s digital future.
Time to strengthen European defence industry | EEAS
The European defence industry includes a great variety of actors, from large multinational champions to small and medium enterprises. It is highly concentrated geographically: a few Member States make 90% of the total European defence industry. This industry has an annual turnover of €70 billion and employs 500,000 people.
EUROPEAN INDUSTRY . 20%. of total EU value added. 35 million. Jobs Industry accounts for of exports . 80% 99%. of European firms are . small and medium sized businesses. Europe needs industry to become . greener, more circular and more digital. while remaining competitive on the global stage. These three drivers will transform our industry ...
Breakthrough strategies for climate-neutral industry in Europe …
The new EU legislative cycle offers fresh opportunities to boost the transformation of European industry and set international standards for the production of... Location Event Brussels | Online Media content Video. 1 June 2021, 11:00–12:30 State of play of the industry transition in Europe ...
Spørsmål og svar
EU ønsker å videreutvikle regionale markeder og samarbeid i Europa, slik vi allerede har lange tradisjoner for i Norden. EU ønsker bedre løsninger også mellom ulike regioner, og har en visjon om ett felles marked. I praksis er EUs indre energimarked et samarbeid om å lage felles regler for kjøp, salg og overføring av strøm.
Industry calls for European textiles EPR | MRW
18 · They issued a joint call with sports retailer Decathlon for a textiles EPR to from part of the EU''s negotiations for a revised waste framework directive. Login / Register ... Digital Edition: Industry calls for European textiles EPR FEAD says scheme would be ''environmental imperative and an economic opportunity'' This area is reserved. ...
Competitiveness is therefore at the heart of the Commission''s agenda and, as we stand on the brink of a new industrial revolution, we are committed to supporting the digital and green transformation of EU industry. What the European Commission does Industrial strategy. We are taking action to maintain European industry''s global ...
The Green Deal Industrial Plan
The Green Deal Industrial Plan enhances the competitiveness of Europe''s net-zero industry and is accelerating the transition to climate neutrality. It does so by creating a more supportive environment for scaling up the EU''s manufacturing capacity for the net-zero technologies and products required to meet Europe''s ambitious climate targets.
Sikkerhetskrav for energilagringsbatterier – obligatorisk plan
Sikkerhetskrav for energilagringsbatterier – obligatorisk plan 25. mars 2021 kunngjorde departementet for industri og informasjonsteknologi i henhold til den overordnede ordningen med standardiseringsarbeid, en godkjenning av flydekk og andre 11 obligatoriske nasjonale standardprosjekter at fristen er 25. april 2021, som involverer standardbatteriet har et "elektrisk …
Discover EU Industry Days 2021
EU Industry Days 2021 took place on 23 - 26 February, gathering 6,500 participants. Despite being fully digital, the event was very active and inclusive. Around 4,500 networking activities took place during the event. The conference featured many high profile speeches (some are available in the summary below), the views and opinions of more ...
Bæredygtig levering af råstoffer er afgørende for EU''s industri
Reglerne sætter nogle pejlemærker for EU''s årlige forbrug i 2030: EU bør selv udvinde mindst 10 procent af de råmaterialer, EU forbruger. EU bør selv producere mindst 40 procent af sit årlige forbrug af strategiske råmaterialer gennem forarbejdning. Gennem genanvendelse af affald bør EU kunne producere mindst 25 % af dets årlige forbrug.
SVENSK INDUSTRI OCH EU:S NYA INDUSTRIPOLITIK: TEKNIKSKIFTEN, KOMPETENSFÖRSÖRJNING OCH GRÖN OMSTÄLLNING. INDUSTRINS EKONOMISKA RÅD Industrin spelar en avgörande roll för det svenska samhällets utveckling och välstånd. I Sverige är lönebildningen parternas ansvar. Industrins parter samarbetar för att säkerställa en stabil …
Ny aftale om CO2-kvotesystem er god for klimaet og Europas grønne industri
EU-parlamentet rundede et hektisk 2022 af med vigtige aftaler for den grønne omstilling. En ny stor klimaaftale skal gøre det dyrere for virksomheder udenfor EU at eksportere CO2-tunge varer og materialer til EU-lande. Det er godt nyt for klimaet og for den europæiske grønne industri, mener Green Power Denmark.
Key figures on the EU auto industry
The EU auto industry leads the way with clean, efficient, high quality motor vehicles that keep Europe moving. Each year, the European Automobile Manufacturers'' Association (ACEA) publishes its Automobile Industry Pocket Guide in order to provide a clear and complete overview of one of Europe''s key industries.
Året der gik: EU til kamp for industri, råmaterialer og elmarked
For at kunne forblive konkurrencedygtig skal EU opbygge kapacitet i den grønne industri, samt skabe mere forudsigelige og forenklede lovgivningsmæssige rammer. NZIA skal ses i lyset af Kinas udbredte statsstøtte til sin vindmølle- og solcelleindustri samt den amerikanske Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), idet begge agerer som en trussel mod EU ...